
Publikationen des Instituts für Massivbau

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Eine aktuelle Publikationsliste für jeden der derzeit am Lehrstuhl aktiven Mitarbeiter finden Sie im jeweiligen Profil.

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Studentische Arbeiten

Jahr Autor, Titel
2024 Bujotzek, L.; Apostolidi, E.; Waldmann, D.: Novel model for the determination of stress redistribution in GFRP reinforced concrete members under long-term compression based on experimental results, In: Construction and Building Materials, 2024, DOI:
2024 Bujotzek, L.; Beck, D.; Apostolidi, E.; Waldmann, D.: Experimental and statistical investigations of the material properties of FRP reinforcement in compression, In: Construction and Building Materials, 2024, DOI:
2024 Čamo, T.; Waldmann, D.: Potential and limits using the DAD method for condition assessment of bridge structures, In: Engineering Structures, 2024, DOI:
2023 Hiesch, D.; Bujotzek, L.; El Ghadioui, R.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Theoretical and experimental investigation of the time-dependent relaxation rates of GFRP and BFRP reinforcement bars, In: Structural Concrete, 2023, DOI:
2022 Müller, D.; Bujotzek, L.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.:Influence of spatially variable material properties on the resistance of masonry walls under compression, In: Materials and Structures 55(2), 2022, Darmstadt, DOI:
2022 Herget, C.; Rezvani, M.; Müller, A.; Proske, T.: Hygric deformation of hardened cement paste with limestone-rich cements under cyclic ad- and desorption, In: Construction and Building Materials, 2022, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
2022 Brinkmann, M.; Armenat, J.: Vertikale Begrünung mit UNIKA-Pflanzsteinen – Hintergründe zur Anwendung, Bemessung und Konstruktion, In: Mauerwerk 26, Heft 1, 2022, Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, DOI:
2021 Proske, T.; Scheich, C.; Rezvani, M.: Pressure-Dependent Shear Behavior of Fresh Concrete, In: ACI MATERIALS JOURNAL, Issue 20-388, 2021, American Concrete Institute.
2021 El Ghadioui, R.; Wagner, J.; Klein, J.; Proske, T.; Curbach, M.; Graubner, C.-A.: RC members with a flexural-strengthening layer of CFRP textile-reinforced concrete under monotonic and cyclic long-term loading, In: Structural Concrete, Vol. 23, Issue 1, 2022, Wiley, DOI: .
2021 Herget, C.; Müller, A.; Proske, T.; Rezvani, M.; Graubner, C.-A.: Kalksteinmehl als Betonzusatzstoff – Vorschlag für die Anrechenbarkeit auf den Zementgehalt und Potenzial zur CO2-Reduktion im Betonbau, In: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, Heft 116, 2022, Wiley, DOI: .
2021 El Ghadioui, R.; Hiesch, D.; Bujotzek, L.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Structural behaviour of CFRP reinforced concrete members under monotonic and cyclic long-term loading, In: Materials and Structures, Vol. 54, 2021 (137), S. 1-18, DOI:
2021 Herget, C.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Betone aus Multikompositzementen mit Kalksteinmehl und calciniertem Ton – Bemessungsrelevante Eigenschaften und Potenzial für die CO2-Reduktion, In: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, Band 116, 2021, Ernst & Sohn Verlag, Berlin, S. 286-295, DOI:
2021 Patrick Pereira Dias, Vanessa Jesuino Kammer, Danièle Waldmann. „ Analysis of the geometrical imperfections of a dry-stacked masonry block based on Miscanthus” ELSEVIER Journal Construction and Building Materials, October 2021.
2021 Eslami Hooman, Jayasinghe Laddu Bhagya, Waldmann Daniele. “Nonlinear three-dimensional anisotropic material model for failure analysis of timber” ELSEVIER Journal Engineering Failure Analysis, September 2021.
2021 Thapa Vishojit, Waldmann Daniele. “Binary blended cement pastes and concrete using gravel wash mud (GWM) powders” ELSEVIER Journal Construction and Building Materials Volume 302 (September 2021), 124191.
2021 Pereira Dias Patrick, Jayasinghe Laddu Bhagya, Waldmann Daniele. “Machine learning in mix design of Miscanthus lightweight concrete” ELSEVIER Journal Construction and Building Materials Volume 302 (September 2021), 124191.
2021 Pereira Dias, Patrick; Jayasinghe, Laddu Bhagya; Waldmann, Daniele. “Investigation of Mycelium-Miscanthus composites as building insulation material” ELSEVIER Results in Materials of the Journal Materials Today Volume 10 (June 2021), 100189.
2021 Bogoviku, Lorenc; Waldmann, Daniele. „Modelling of mineral construction and demolition waste dynamics through a combination of geospatial and image analysis” in Journal of Environmental Management (2021), 282.
2020 Brinkmann, M.; Purkert, B.; Graubner, C.-A.: Bemessung von Fensterbrüstungen aus Mauerwerk bei teilaufliegender Decke, In: Bauplaner – Supplement im Deutschen Ingenieurblatt, Heft 9, 2020, Schiele & Schön GmbH, Berlin.
2020 Hofmann, S.; Tran, N.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Cracking behaviour of BFRP reinforced concrete – An approach for the determination of crack spacing and crack width, In: Structural Concrete, 2020, Wiley, DOI:
2020 El Ghadioui, R.; Proske, T.; Tran, N.; Graubner, C.-A.: Structural behaviour of CFRP reinforced concrete members under bending and shear loads, In: Materials and Structures, Vol. 53, 2020 (63), S. 1-16, DOI:
2020 Steiner, S.; Lothenbach, B.; Proske, T.; Borgschulte, A.; Winnefeld, F.: Effect of relative humidity on the carbonation rate of portlandite, calcium silicate hydrates and ettringite, In: Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 135, 2020, Elsevier, S. 106-116.
2020 Proske, T.; Rezvani, M.; Graubner, C.-A.: A new test method to characterize the pressure-dependent shear behavior of fresh concrete, In: Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 233, 2020, Elsevier, Amsterdam, S. 1-9, ISBN:
2020 Hofmann, S.; Proske , T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Verbundverhalten besandeter basaltfaserverstärkter Kunststoffbewehrung, In: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, Heft 115, 2020, Ernst & Sohn Verlag, Berlin, DOI: .
2020 Rakotonjanahary, Tahiana Roland Michaël; Scholzen, Frank; Waldmann, Daniele. “Summertime Overheating Risk Assessment of a Flexible Plug-in Modular Unit in Luxembourg” in Journal Sustainability MDPI, 2071-1050.
2020 Thapa, Vishojit Bahadur; Waldmann, Daniele. „Performance of lime-metakaolin pastes using gravel wash mud (GWM)” in Cement and Concrete Composites (2020), 114(103772), November 2020.
2020 Nguyen, Thanh Tung; Yvonnet, Julien; Waldmann, Danièle; He, Qi-Chang. „Implementation of a new strain split to model unilateral contact within the phase field method” in International Journal for Numerical Methods, 20 June 2020, Elsevier Science.
2020 Erdenebat, Dolgion; Waldmann, Danièle. „Application of the DAD-Method for damage localisation on an existing bridge structure using close-range UAV photogrammetry“ Journal Engineering Structures, Volume 218, 1 September 29, 110727, Elsevier Science.
2020 Y. Wang, G. Cai, A. Si Larbi, D. Waldmann, K.D. Tsavdaridis, J. Ran. “Monotonic axial compressive behaviour and confinement mechanism of square CFRP-steel tube confined concrete” in the Journal Engineering Structures, Volume 217, 15 August 2020, 110802, Elsevier Science.
2020 Pereira Dias, Patrick; Waldmann, Danièle. „Optimisation of the mechanical properties of Miscanthus lightweight concrete” in Construction and Building Materials, Volume 258, 20 October 2020, 119643.
2020 Akbarieh, Arghavan; Jayasinghe, Laddu Bhagya; Waldmann, Danièle; Teferle, Felix Norman “BIM-Based End-of-Lifecycle Decision Making and Digital Deconstruction: Literature Review” Sustainability MDPI, 12.7 (2020): 2670.
2020 Ferreira Silvia, Marielle; Jayasinghe, Laddu Bhagya; Waldmann, Danièle; Hertweck, Florian “Recyclable Architecture: Prefabricated and Recyclable Typologies” Journal Sustainability MDPI, 12.4 (200): 1342.
2020 Jayasinghe, Bhagya; Waldmann, Danièle “Development of a BIM-based web tool as Material and Component bank for a sustainable construction industry” Journal Sustainability MDPI, 12.5 (2020): 1766.
2020 Nguyen, Thanh-Tung; Waldmann, Danièle; Bui, Tinh Quoc “Phase field simulation of early-age fracture in cement-based materials” International Journal of Solids and Structures, Elsevier Science, volumes 191 (2020), 157-172.
2020 Jayasinghe, Bhagya; Waldmann, Danièle; Shang, Junlong “Impact of pile punching on adjacent piles: Insights 3 from a 3D coupled SPH-FEM analysis” Applied Mechanics 1.1 (2020): 47-58.
2020 Chewe Ngapeya, Gelen Gael; Waldmann, Danièle “Overcome of bed-joint imperfections and improvement of actual contact in dry-stacked masonry” Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier Science, 233 (2020) 117173.
2019 Müller, A.; Wörner, P.: Impact of dynamic CO2 emission factors for the public electricity supply on the life-cycle assessment of energy efficient residential buildings, In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Vol. 323, Issue 2019 (012036), S. 1-9, DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/323/1/012036.
2019 Förster, V.; Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.: Experimentelle Traglastermittlung einer teilweise bewehrten Lochfassade aus Ziegelmauerwerk, In: Mauerwerk, Band 23, Heft 5, 2019, Ernst & Sohn Verlag, Berlin, S. 324-333, ISBN: 1432-3427.
2019 Rezvani, M.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Shrinkage of eco-friendly concretes made with limestone-rich cements, In: ZKG INTERNATIONAL Zement Kalk Gips, Issue 6, 2019, Bauverlag, Gütersloh, S. 60-67, ISBN: 2366-1313.
2019 Wörner, P.; Müller, A.; Sauerwein, D.: Dynamische CO2‐Emissionsfaktoren für den deutschen Strom‐Mix. Möglichkeiten zur realistischen Bewertung zukünftiger Energieversorgungskonzepte auf Gebäudeebene, In: Bauphysik, Band 41, Heft 1, 2019, Ernst & Sohn Verlag, Berlin, S. 17-29, DOI: 10.1002/bapi.201800034.
2019 Chewe Ngapeya, Gelen Gael; Waldmann, Danièle “Experimental and analytical analysis of the load-bearing capacity Pu of improved dry-stacked masonry” in Journal of Building Engineering, Elsevier Science, (2019): 100927.
2019 Cai, Gaochuang; Waldmann, Danièle “A material and component bank to facilitate material recycling and component reuse for a sustainable construction: concept and preliminary study” in the Journal of Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, (2019).
2019 Thapa, Vihojit Bahadur, Waldmann, Danièle, Simon, Claude „Gravel wash mud, a quarry waste material as supplementary cementitious material (SCM)“, Journal of Cement and Concrete Research, Elsevier Science, 124 (2019):105833.
2019 Nguyen, Thanh Tung; Yvonnet, Julien; Waldmann, Danièle; He, Qi-Chang “Phase field modeling of interfacial damage in heterogeneous media with stiff and soft interphases” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Elsevier Science, 218 (2019):106574.
2019 Nguyen, Thanh Tung; Waldmann, Danièle; Bui, T. Q.. “Role of interfacial transition zone in phase field modeling of fracture in layered heterogeneous structures” Journal of Computational Physics, Elsevier Science, 386.6 (2019): 585-610.
2019 Nguyen, Thanh Tung; Weiler, Michael; Waldmann, Danièle. “Experimental and numerical analysis of early age behavior in non-reinforced concrete” Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier Science, 210.6 (2019): 499-513.
2019 Nguyen, Thanh Tung; Waldmann, Danièle; Bui, T. Q..”Computational chemo-thermo-mechanical coupling phase-field model for complex fracture induced by early-age shrinkage and hydration heat in cement-based materials” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Elsevier Science, 348.5 (2019): 1-28.
2019 Yanlei Wang, Gaochuang Cai, Yunyu Li, Danièle Waldmann, Amir Si Larbi, Konstantinos Daniel Tsavdaridis. “Behaviour of Circular FRP-Steel Confined Concrete Columns Subjected to Reversed Cyclic Loads: Experimental Studies and FE Analysis”. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Volume 145 Issue 9, September 2019, ASCE.
2019 Erdenebat, Dolgion; Waldmann, Danièle; Teferle, Felix Norman. “Curvature based DAD-method for damage localisation under consideration of measurement noise minimisation” Engineering Structures, Elsevier Science, 181.2 (2019): 293-309.
2018 Neufert, W.; Reuken, I.; Müller, C.; Palm, S.; Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.; Rezvani, M.: Performance of clinker-efficient cements containing granulated blastfurnace slag and limestone – Leistungsfähigkeit klinkereffizienter Zemente mit Hüttensand und Kalkstein, In: Cement International, Vol. 16, Issue 3, 2018, Erkrath .
2018 Rezvani, M.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Modelling the drying shrinkage of concrete made with limestone-rich cements, In: Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 115, 2019, Elsevier, Amsterdam, S. 160-175, DOI:
2018 Rezvani, M.; Proske, T.; Herget, C.; Graubner, C.-A.: Schwindverhalten von Beton aus kalksteinreichen Zementen, In: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, Heft 113, 2018, Ernst & Sohn Verlag, S. 1-11, DOI: DOI: 10.1002/best.201800065.
2018 Baldermann, A.; Rezvani, M.; Proske, T.; et al.: Effect of very high limestone content and quality on the sulfate resistance of blended cements, In: Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 188, 2018, Elsevier, Amsterdam, S. 1065-1076, ISBN:
2018 Palm, S.; Müller, C.; Proske, T.; Rezvani, M.; Graubner, C.-A.: Concrete application of clinker-efficient cements, In: Advances in Cement Research, Vol. 30, Issue 8, 2018, ice Publishing, S. 1-24, DOI:
2018 Wörner, P.; Müller, A.; Fischer, M.; Graubner, C.-A.: Gut gemeint – auch gut gemacht? Die Nachhaltigkeit der deutschen Energiewende auf dem Prüfstand, In: Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, Band 68, Heft 6, 2018, S. 40-44.
2018 Proske, T.; Rezvani, M.; Palm, S.; Müller, C.; Graubner, C.-A.: Concretes made of efficient multi-composite cements with slag and limestone, In: Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol. 89, 2018, Elsevier, Amsterdam, S. 107-119, DOI:
2018 Wang, Yanlei; Zhang, Xue; Gaochuang, Cai; Wan, Baolin; Waldmann, Danièle; Qu, Yuan. “A new thickness-based accelerated aging test methodology for resin materials: theory and preliminary experimental study”, Journal Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier Science, 186.10 (2018): 986-995.
2018 Thapa, Vishojit Bahadur, Waldmann, Danièle, Wagner, Jean-Frank, Lecomte, André. “Assessment of the suitability of gravel wash mud as raw material for the synthesis of an alkali-activated binder” Journal of Applied Clay Science, Elsevier Science, 161.9 (2018): 110-118.
2018 Dolgion Erdenebat, Daniele Waldmann, Norman Teferle. “The Deformation Area Difference (DAD) Method for Condition Assessment of Reinforced and Prestressed Structures” Journal of Engineering Structures, Elsevier Science, 155.1 (2018): 315-329.
2018 G. Chewe Ngapeya, Frank Scholzen, Daniele Waldmann. „Impact of the height imperfections of dry-stacked masonry blocks on the load bearing capacity of a wall” Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier Science, 165.3 (2018): 898-913.
2017 Rezvani, M; Proske, T.: Influence of chemical-mineralogical properties of limestone on the shrinkage behaviour of cement paste and concrete made of limestone-rich cements, In: Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 157, 2017, Elsevier, Amsterdam, S. 818-828, DOI:
2017 Grziwa, U; Proske, T.: Einfluss räumlich streuender Materialeigenschaften auf die Zuverlässigkeit schlanker UHPC-Druckglieder, In: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, Band 112, Heft 10, 2017, Ernst & Sohn Verlag, Berlin, S. 670-681, DOI: 10.1002/best.201700041.
2017 Neufert, W; Reuken, I.; Müller, C.; Palm, S.; Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.; Rezvani, M.: Leistungsfähigkeit klinkereffizienter
Zemente mit Hüttensand und Kalkstein, In: Beton, Heft 3, 2017.
2017 Waldmann, Danièle; May, Andreas; Thapa, Vishojit Bahadur. “Influence of the sheet profile design on the composite action of slabs made of lightweight woodchip concrete” Construction & Building Materials, Elsevier Science, Volume 148.9 (2017):887-899.
2017 Schommer, Sebastian; Mahowald, Jean; Nguyen, Viet Ha; Waldmann, Danièle; Maas, Stefan; Zürbes, Arno; De Roeck, Guido. “Health monitoring based on dynamic flexibility matrix: theoretical models versus in-situ tests” in Engineering Scientific Research Publishing 09.02 (2017): 37-67.
2016 Palm, S.; Proske, T.; Rezvani, M.; Hainer, S.; Christoph, M.; Graubner, C.-A.: Cements with high limestone content – Mechanical properties, durability and ecological characteristics of the concrete, In: Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 119, 2016, S. 308-318, DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.05.009.
2016 Merzkirch, A., Maas, S., Scholzen, F., Waldmann, D. “Field tests of centralized and decentralized ventilation units in residential buildings – Specific fan power, heat recovery efficiency, shortcuts and volume flow unbalances” Energy and Buildings, Elsevier Science, 3 (2016): Pages 376-383.
2016 Weiler, Michael; Waldmann, Danièle. „Untersuchung der Rissentwicklung an zementgebundenen Sichtestrichen“ („Analysis of the crack development of cementitious fair-faced screeds“) Beton Verlag Bau und Technik, 66 (2016): 248-252.
2015 Müller, C; Palm, S.; Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.; Hainer, S.; Rezvani, M.; Neufert, W.; Reuken, I.: Cements with a high limestone content – durability and practicability, In: Concrete Technology Reports 2013–2015, 2015, Düsseldorf, S. 21-30.
2015 Müller, C; Palm, S.; Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.; Hainer, S.; Rezvani, M.; Neufert, W.; Reuken, I.: Zemente mit hohen Kalksteingehalten – Dauerhaftigkeit und praktische Umsetzbarkeit, In: Betontechnische Berichte 2013–2015, 2015, Düsseldorf, S. 21-30.
2015 Hainer, S.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Einfluss der Nachbehandlung auf das Karbonatisierungsverhalten von Beton aus klinkerarmen Zementen. In: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 101 (2015), Heft 1, Verlag Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, 2015. 41-49
2015 Mittermayr, F.; Rezvani, M.; Baldermann, A.; Hainer, S.; Breitenbücher, P.; Juhart, J.; Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.: Sulfate resistance of cement-reduced eco-friendly concretes. In: Cement and Concrete Composites, Volume 55, January 2015, 364–373.
2015 Diffu Kaze, Arnaud; Maas, Stefan; Waldmann, Danièle; Zilian, Andreas; Dueck, Klaus; Pape, Dietrich. „Biomechanical properties of five different currently used implants for open-wedge high tibial osteotomy” Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics, 2.1 (2015):14.
2015 Hoos, Thorsten; Merzkirch, Alexander; Maas, Stefan; Scholzen, Frank; Waldmann, Danièle. „Messtechnische Ermittlung der U-Werte von Altbaufassaden im Vergleich mit Typologiewerten für den Gebäudebestand“ (Measurement based determination of U-values of old building facades in comparison to typology values for the building stock) Bauphysik (2015). DOI:10.1002/BAPI.201510031
2015 Merzkirch, Alexander; Maas, Stefan; Scholzen, Frank; Waldmann, Danièle. „A semi-centralized, valveless and demand controlled ventilation system in comparison to other concepts in field tests”. Journal of Building & Environment 93 (2015): 21-26.
2015 S. Agaajani, D. Waldmann, F. Scholzen, A. Louge. “Numerical Analysis for the determination of stress percolation in dry-stacked wall systems”. Journal Masonry International. 2015.
2015 Neumann, Simon; Maas, Stefan; Waldmann, Danièle; Ricci, Pierre-Louis; Zürbes, Arno; Arnoux, Pierre-Jean; Frédéric, Walter; Jens, Kelm. “Use of a Computed Tomography Based Approach to Validate Noninvasive Devices to Measure Rotational Knee Laxity” International Scholarly Research Notices Orthopedics, (2015): 7, Article ID 705201.
2015 Neumann, Simon; Maas, Stefan; Waldmann, Danièle; Ricci, Pierre-Louis; Zürbes, Arno; Arnoux, Pierre-Jean; Kelm, Jens. “Design, Repeatability, and Comparison to Literature Data of a New Noninvasive Device Called „Rotameter“ to Measure Rotational Knee Laxity” International Scholarly Research Notices Orthopedics, (2015): 9, Article ID 439095.
2014 Billberg, P.; Roussel, N.; Amziane, S.; Beitzel, M.; Charitou, G.; Freund, B.; Gardner, J. N.; Graubner, C.-A.; Keller, L.; Khayat, K. H.; Lange, D. A.; Omran, A. F.; Perrot, A.; Proske, T.; Quattrociocchi, R.; Vanhove, Y.: Field validation of models for predicting lateral form pressure exerted by SCC. Cement and Concrete Composites, Volume 54, November 2014, 70–79.
2014 Freund, B.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Experimentelle Untersuchungen und numerische Verifizierung zum Frischbetondruck bei geneigten Schalungssystemen. In: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 109, Heft 11 (2014), Verlag Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, 2014, 803-811.
2014 Proske, T.; Rezvani, M.; Hainer, S.; Graubner, C.-A.: Mischungszusammensetzung nachhaltigkeitsoptimierter Konstruktionsbetone auf Basis internationaler Regelwerke. In: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 109, Verlag Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, 2014. 726-741.
2014 Proske, T.; Hainer, S.; Rezvani, M.; Graubner, C.-A.: Eco-friendly Concretes with
Reduced Water and Cement Content – Mix Design Principles and Application in Practice, In: Construction and Building Materials, Volume 67, S. 413-421, 2014.
2014 Müller, C.; Palm, S.; Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.; Hainer, S.; Rezvani, M.; Neufert, W.; Reuken, I.: Zemente mit hohen Kalksteingehalten: Dauerhaftigkeit und praktische Umsetzbarkeit, In: Cement International 109 (2014) 02, S.78-85
2014 Proske, T.; Khayat, K.; Omran, A.; Leitzbach, O.: Form Pressure Generated by Fresh Concrete – A review about practice in formwork design. Materials and Structures, RILEM Publications, July, 2014 (47):1099–1113.
2014 Müller, Ch.; Palm, S.; Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.; Hainer, S.; Rezvani, M.; Neufert, W.; Reuken, I.: Zemente mit hohen Kalksteingehalten – Dauerhaftigkeit und praktische Umsetzbarkeit. In: Beton (64), 1/2 2014. 43-50
2014 Merzkirch, Alexander, Hoos, Thorsten, Maas, Stefan, Scholzen, Frank, Waldmann, Danièle. „Wie genau sind unsere Energiepässe ?“ (How accurate are energy passports?“) Baupkysik Ernst&Sohn, 1 (2014): 40-43.
2014 Thewes, Andreas, Maas, Stefan, Scholzen, Frank, Waldmann, Danièle. “Field Study on the Energy Consumption of School Buildings in Luxembourg” Energy and Buildings, Elsevier Science, 68 A.1 (2014): 460-470. ISSN : 0378-7788.
2014 Wahl, Laurent, Maas, Stefan, Waldmann, Danièle, Zürbes, Arno, Frères, Patrick. “Fatigue in the Core of Aluminium Honeycomb Panels: Lifetime Prediction compared to Fatigue Tests” International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 23.9 (2014): 661-683.
2013 Proske, T.; Hainer, S.; Rezvani, M.; Graubner, C.-A.: Eco-Friendly Concretes with Reduced Water and Cement Contents – Mix Design Principles and Laboratory Tests. Cement and Concrete Research, Volume 51, September 2013, pp. 38–46.
2012 Graubner, C.-A.; Garrecht, H.; Proske, T.; Hainer, S.; Jakob, M.: Stahlbetonbauteile aus klima- und ressourcenschonendem Ökobeton – Technische Innovation zur Realisierung nachhaltiger Betonbauwerke. In: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, Ernst & Sohn Verlag, Heft 6, 2012. 401-413.
2012 Grziwa, U.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Cost-efficient anchorage of steel reinforcement with standard bend. In: Bond in Concrete 2012, Volume 1, General Aspects of Bond (BIC 2012), Brescia, Italy 2012.
2012 Graubner, C.-A.; Boska, E.; Motzko, C.; Proske T.: Formwork pressure induced by highly flowable concrete – Design approach and transfer in practice. In: Structural Concrete, Journal of the fib, Ernst & Sohn Verlag, 1/2012.
2012 Michels, J., Christen, R., Waldmann, D. “Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Post cracking Behaviour of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Elsevier Science, 98.1 (2012): 326-349.
2012 Mahowald, Jean, Stefan Maas, Frank Scherbaum, Danièle Waldmann, and Arno Zürbes. “Dynamische Methoden zur Schadensidentifikation an einer kontinuierlich geschädigten vorgespannten Zweifeldbrücke.” („Dynamic methods for damage detection on a continuously damaged pre-stressed two-field bridge”) In VDI-Berichte Kassel 2160 (2012): 247–258.
2012 Wahl, Laurent, Stefan, Maas, Waldmann, Danièle, Arno Zürbes. “Shear stresses in honeycomb sandwich plates: Analytical solution, finite element method and experimental verification” Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials, 14(4) (2012): 449-468.
2012 Stefan Maas, Arno Zürbes, Danièle Waldmann, Markus Waltering, Volker Bungard. “Damage assessment of concrete structures trough dynamic testing methods. Part 2: Bridge tests” Engineering Structures, Elsevier Science, 34.1 (2012): 351-362.
2012 Stefan Maas, Arno Zürbes, Danièle Waldmann, Markus Waltering, Volker Bungard. „Damage assessment of concrete structures trough dynamic testing methods. Part 1: Laboratory tests”, Engineering Structures, Elsevier Science, 34.1 (2012): 483-494.
2011 Brameshuber, W.; Beitzel, H.; Beitzel, M.; Bohnemann, C.; Dehn, F.; Graubner, C.-A.; König, A.; Lingemann, J.; Müller, H. S.; Pistol, K.; Proske, T.; Stettner, C.; Zilch, K.: Formwork pressure induced by highly flowable concretes – Material investigations and large-scale tests. In: Structural Concrete, Journal of the fib, Ernst & Sohn Verlag, 4/2011.
2011 Graubner, C.-A.; Garrecht, H.; Proske, T.; Spitzbarth, R.; Hainer, S.; Morsy, M.: Ökobetone zur Herstellung von Stahlbetonbauteilen – Teil 2, Anwendungsorientierte Mischungsentwicklung, Betoneigenschaften und Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung. In: BWI BetonWerk International, Heft 6, 2011.
2011 Graubner, C.-A.; Garrecht, H.; Proske, T.; Hainer, S.: Ökobetone zur Herstellung von Stahlbetonbauteilen – Teil 1, Grundlagen, Entwicklungsprinzip und Potentiale zur Klinkerreduzierung. In: BWI BetonWerk International, Heft 5, 2011.
2011 Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.; Hainer, S.: Zementreduzierte „Ökobetone“ für die Herstellung von Betonfertigteilen. In: Proceedings, 55. BetonTage, BFT International, 77. Jahrgang, 02/2011.
2011 Wahl, Laurent; Maas, Stefan; Waldmann, Danièle; Zürbes; Arno; Frères, Patrick. „Shear stresses in honeycomb sandwich plates: Analytical solution, finite element method and experimental verification“ Benchmark: The international Magazine for Engineering Designers & Analysis (2011).
2011 Julien Michels, Danièle Waldmann, Stefan Maas, Arno Zürbes. “Steel fibers as only reinforcement for flat slab construction – Experimental investigation and design” Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier Science, 26.1 (2011): 145-155.
2010 Ramge, P.; Proske, T.; Kühne, H.-C.: Seggregation of Coarse Aggregates in Self-Compacting Concrete. In: Design, Production and Placement of Self-Consolidating Concrete, Proceedings of SCC 2010, Montreal, Canada, September 26-29, 2010, Springer Verlag, 2010; pp 113-125.
2010 Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.: Formwork Pressure of Highly Workable Concrete–Experiments focused on Setting, Vibration and Design Approach. In: Design, Production and Placement of Self-Consolidating Concrete, Proceedings of SCC 2010, Montreal, Canada, September 26-29, 2010, Springer Verlag, 2010; pp 255-267.
2010 Michels, J., Waldmann, D., Maas, S., Zürbes, A. „Tragverhalten von Flachdecken aus Stahlfaserbeton im negativen Momentenbereich und Bemessungsmodell für das Gesamtsystem“ („Bearing capacity of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) flat slabs in the negative bending moment area and design model for the whole system“) Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, 105.8 (2010): 496-508. https://doi: 10.1002/best.201000022
2010 Simon Njingoue, Stefan Maas, Arno Züerbes, Daniele Waldmann. „Messung der tibio-femoralen Rotation: ROTAMETER » (« Measurement of the tibio-femural rotation: ROTAMETER ») Mensuel pour médecins, Médecins-dentistes et pharmaciens, 17.9 (2010).
2010 Simon Njingoue, Stefan Maas, Arno Züerbes, Daniele Waldmann, Romain Seil, Caroline Mouton, Daniel Theisen. “Rotameter: A Non-Invasive and Simple Device for an In Vivo Analysis of Rotational Knee Laxity” 44th Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik (DGBMT), vol.00,VDE (2010): 1-4.
2010 Bungard, V.; Mahowald, J.; Waldmann, D.; Maas, S.; Zuerbes, A. „Dynamische Zustandsbewertung einer Verbundbrücke: Beobachtung äußerer und nichtlinearer Einflüsse auf die modalen Eigenschaften“ („Dynamic condition assessment of a composite bridge: observation of environmental and non-linear impacts on the modal properties“) Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 105.8 (2010): 509-520, Ernst & Sohn, Verlag für Architektur und technische Wissenschaften GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin, Deutschland.
2010 Leufgens, N.; Waldmann, D.; Maas, S.; Zürbes, A. „Entwicklung von hybriden Wärmedämmsteinen aus LAC“ („Development of a hybrid insulation masonry block based on lightweight aggregate concrete LAC“) Zeitschrift Mauerwerksbau, 14.1 (2010): 10-18. ISSN 1432-3427, Ernst & Sohn.
2009 Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.; Roth, C.: Zementreduzierte „grüne“ Betone – Herausforderung für Betontechnologie und Baubetrieb. In: Festschrift anlässlich des 30-jährigen Bestehens des Instituts für Baubetrieb der Technischen Universität Darmstadt – Baubetriebliche Aufgaben, Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, Reihe 4 Bauingenieurwesen, Nr. 211 VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf 2009; S. 123-132. ISBN 978-3-18-321104-3.
2009 Graubner, C.-A.; E. Boska, C. Motzko, T. Proske: Schalungsbelastung durch Hochleistungsbetone mit fließfähiger Konsistenz, Berechnungsmodell und baupraktische Umsetzung. In: Zeitschrift Bauingenieur, 04/2009, Springer VDI Verlag 2009.
2009 Brameshuber, W.; Beitzel, H.; Beitzel, M.; Bohnemann, C.; Dehn, F.; Graubner, C.-A.; König, A.; Lingemann, J.; Müller, H. S.; Pistol, K.; Proske, T.; Stettner, C.; Zilch, K.: Schalungsbelastung durch Hochleistungsbetone mit fließfähiger Konsistenz, Materialuntersuchungen und Großversuche. In: Zeitschrift Bauingenieur, 04/2009, Springer VDI Verlag 2009.
2009 Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.: Frischbetondruck bei Verwendung von Selbstverdichtendem Beton. In: Zeitschrift Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, Heft 2, 2009.
2009 M. Waltering, D. Waldmann, V. Bungard, S. Maas, A. Zürbes. „Vergleich statischer und dynamischer Methoden zur Zustandsbewertung von Stahl- und Spannbetontragwerken“ („Comparison of static and dynamic methods for the condition assessment of reinforced and pre-stressed concrete structures“) Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, 104.10 (2009): 628-641, Ernst & Sohn, Verlag für Architektur und technische Wissenschaften GmbH & Co.KG, Berlin, 2009.
2009 Thielen T, Maas S, Zürbes A, Waldmann D., Kelm J. “Mechanical Material Properties of Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) for Medical Applications” MP Materials Testing 51.4 (2009): 203-209.
2009 Thielen T, Maas S, Zürbes A, Waldmann D., Anagnostakos K, Kelm J. “Development of a reinforced PMMA-based hip spacer adapted to patients’ needs” Medical Engineering and Physics 31.8 (2009): 930-936.
2009 Thielen T, Maas S, Zürbes A, Waldmann D., Anagnostakos K, Kelm J. “Mechanical behaviour of standardized, endoskeleton-including hip spacers implanted into composite femurs” International Journal of Medical Sciences, 6.5 (2009): 280-286. doi: 10.7150/ijms.6.280
2008 Maas, S., Waldmann, D., Zürbes, A., Scheuren, J.J., Heinrich, H. “Der Energieverbrauch von Einfamilienhäusern in Luxemburg“ („The energy consumption of single-family houses in Luxembourg“) Gesundheitsingenieur, 8 (2008) Oldenbourg Industrieverlag München.
2008 Kirpach, C., Waldmann, D., Greger, M. „Untersuchung des Einflusses von Sanden auf den Wasser- und Fließmittelanspruch von selbstverdichtenden Mörteln“ („Analysis of the impact of sand on the water and superplasticiser demand of self-compacting concrete“) Zeitschrift Beton. Bau+Technik Verlag. 6 (2008).
2007 Adam, T., Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.; Grübl, P.: Hochfester Selbstverdichtender Beton mit hoher Frühfestigkeit zur Herstellung von Betonfertigteilen mit sofortigem Verbund – Zusammensetzung und Untersuchung der bemessungsrelevanten Eigenschaften. In: Betonwerk + Fertigteil-Technik, Bauverlag, 12/2007.
2007 Waltering, M.; Waldmann, D.; Maas, S.; Zuerbes, A. „Untersuchung nichtlinearer Schwingungseigenschaften zur zerstörungsfreien Zustandsprüfung am Beispiel von Stahlbetonbalken“ („Analysis of the non-linear vibration behaviour for non-destructive testing on reinforced concrete beams“) Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 102.9 (2007): 615-261, Ernst & Sohn, Verlag für Architektur und technische Wissenschaften GmbH & Co.KG, Berlin.
2006 Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.: Schalungsdruck fließfähiger Betone. In: Beton + Fertigteil Jahrbuch 2007, Bauverlag, 2006.
2006 Graubner, C.-A.; Proske T. et al.: DAfStb-Sachstandsbericht, Frischbetondruck fließfähiger Betone. In: Schriftenreihe des Deutschen Ausschusses für Stahlbeton, Heft 567, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin 2006.
2006 Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.; Ramge, P.: Einfluss der Kornform auf die Packungsdichte von Gesteinskörnungen. In: Zeitschrift Beton, Verlag Bau+Technik, September, 2006.
2002 Graubner, C.-A.; Lieberum, K.-H.; Proske, T.: Eigenschaften von selbstverdichtendem Beton. In: Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, Heft 12, 97. Jahrgang, Ernst & Sohn Verlag, Berlin 2002.
Jahr Autor, Titel
2008 Schmidt, H.; Graubner, C.-A. Proske, T.:6th International Probabilistic Workshop. Darmstadt (Germany). 2008. Eigenverlag, ISBN-13: 978-3-00-025050-7
Jahr Autor, Titel
2021 Proske, T.; Klein, J.: Eine aus der Notwendigkeit geborene Idee – Betonhohlblocksteine für den Mauerwerksbau in informellen Siedlungen und deren bautechnische Umsetzung, Kapitel 7, Experimentelle Untersuchung zur Schubtragfähigkeit der Betonhohlblocksteine und daraus hergestellter Wandbauteile, In: Mauerwerkskalender 2021, 2021.
2020 Ferreira Silvia, Marielle; Jayasinghe, Laddu Bhagya; Waldmann, Danièle; Hertweck, Florian “Recyclable Architecture: Prefabricated and Recyclable Typologies” Invited in eBook „Prime Archives in Sustainability“ (reproduction of the article Journal Sustainability MDPI, 12.4 (2020): 1342.)
2018 Waldmann, D.; Thapa, V. B. “A short review on alkali-activated binders and geopolymer binders” Vielfalt im Massivbau – Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Ing. Jürgen Schnell (2018): 576-591. Berlin, Germany: Ernst & Sohn.
2017 Proske, T; Hainer, S.; Rezvani, M.; Graubner, C.-A.: Eco-Friendly Concretes With Reduced Water and Cement Content: Mix Design Principles and Experimental Tests, In: Handbook of Low Carbon Concrete, 2017, Elsevier, S. 63-87, ISBN: 978-0-12-804524-4, DOI:
2016 Waldmann, D.; Thapa, V. B.; Dahm, F., & Faltz, C. „Masonry blocks from lightweight concrete on the basis of Miscanthus as aggregates”. Perennial Biomass Crops for a Resource Constrained World. Springer, Cham, (2016): 273-295.
2012 Grziwa, U.; Proske, T.; Heimann, M.; Graubner, C.-A.: Verankerung der Bewehrung mit Winkelhaken in Stahlbetonbauteilen bei niedrigem Ausnutzungsgrad, In: Befestigungstechnik Bewehrungstechnik und … II, ibidem-Verlag, Stuttgart 2012. ISBN-13: 978-3-8382-0397-3.
Jahr Autor, Titel
2021 Herget, C.; Rezvani, M.; Proske, T.: Shrinkage of eco-friendly concretes made with limestone rich cements, In: Supplementary Papers of 11th ACI/RILEM International Conference on Cementitious Materials and Alternative Binders for Sustainable Concrete, In: Supplementary Papers of 11th ACI/RILEM International Conference on Cementitious Materials and Alternative Binders for Sustainable Concrete, 07.-10.. Juni 2021, ACI/RILEM, Toulouse, Frankreich, S. 89-109.
2021 Bujotzek, L.; Hiesch, D.; El Ghadioui, R.; Proske, T.: Material Properties of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement in Compression – A Review, In: Concrete Structures: New Trends for Eco-Efficiency and Performance, 14.-16.. Juni 2021, Fédération Internationale du Béton (fib) – International Federation for Structural Concrete, Lissabon, S. 897-906, ISBN: 978-2-940643-08-0.
2021 Müller, D.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Stochastic Simulation of Clay Brick Masonry Walls with Spatially Variable Material Properties, In: 18th International Probabilistic Workshop, 12.-14. Mai 2021, Springer, Guimarães, S. 779-791, ISBN: 978-3-030-73615-6, DOI:
2021 Graubner, C.-A.; Brinkmann, M.; Förster, V.: Effiziente Bemessung von Leichtbetonmauerwerk nach neuesten normativen Regelungen, In: BFT International, Ausgabe 02/2021, Bauverlag BV GmbH, Gütersloh.
2021 Jayasinghe L.B., Waldmann Daniele. “Concept of a material and component bank in a context of circular economy” 2nd International Conference on Circularity in the Built Environment, 24-26 November 2021, Delft, The Netherlands.
2021 Bogoviku, Lorenc; Waldmann, Daniele. „ A coupled spatial-environmental approach as decision-making tool for the circular economy of the built environment“ 2nd international conference on Circularity in the Built Environment (CiBEn), 24-26 November 2021.
2021 Waldmann Daniele, Jayasinghe L.B. “Concept of a material and component bank based on BIM” BIMLUX 2021 conference, 08-09 November 2021, Luxembourg.
2021 Jayasinghe L.B., Paulus M., Waldmann Daniele “Environmental impact assessment of buildings based on building information modelling”, Joint Conference CIB W78 2021, 11-15 October 2021, Luxembourg.
2021 Chewe, Ngapeya; Waldmann, Daniele. „Development of New Concrete Mixes from Recycled Aggregates from known resources“ Final conference of the SeRaMCo project (January 2021).
2020 Wiehle, P.; Brinkmann, M.: Tragfähigkeit von Lehmmauerwerk – eine experimentelle und numerische Analyse, In: Tagungsbeiträge der 8. Internationalen Fachtagung für Lehmbau, 30.10. – 01. 11. 2020, Dachverband Lehm e.V., Weimar, ISBN: 978-3-00-067245-3.
2020 Bujotzek, L.; Müller, D.; Graubner, C.-A.: Monte Carlo simulation of masonry walls in compression considering spatially variable material properties, In: Proceedings of the 17th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, Krakow (Poland), 5.-8. July 2020, Taylor & Francis, S. 288-295, ISBN: 978-0-367-56586-2.
2020 Brinkmann, M.; Graubner, C.-A.: Load-bearing capacity of slender earth masonry walls under compression, In: Proceedings of the 17th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, Krakow (Poland), 5.-8. July 2020, Taylor & Francis, S. 404-411, ISBN: 978-0-367-56586-2.
2020 Hofmann, S.; Graubner, C.-A.: Ein alternatives Bewehrungsmaterial im Betonbau – Basaltfaserverstärkte Kunststoffbewehrung, In: Betonbau der Zukunft, Kongressunterlagen 64. Betontage, 18. 2. 2020, Neu-Ulm, S. 15.
2020 Rakotonjanahary, Tahiana Roland Michaël; Scholzen, Frank; Ferreira Silva, Marielle; Waldmann, Daniele. „Designing of the module envelope of a hybrid modular building to meet the passive house standards in Luxembourg“ in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (2020, November 20), 588(5), 052026.
2020 Zilian, Andreas; Waldmann, Daniele; Hertweck, Florian; Teferle, Felix Norman; Schäfer, Markus; Scholzen, Frank. „Eco-construction for sustainable development (Econ4SD) – Konzepte fu?r Materialbanken“ in Kaliske, Michael (Ed.) 24. Dresdner Baustatik-Seminar: Reality – Modeling – Structural Design (2020, October).
2020 Bogoviku, Lorenc; Waldmann, Daniele. „Availability of recycled material: Characterization of the building stock in Luxembourg – Assessment of concrete volumes – Availability of the future mineral waste stock based on stochastic scenarios“, Webinar SeRaMCo Secondary Raw Materials for Concrete Precast Products (June 2020).
2020 Gaël Gelen Chewe Ngapeya; Waldmann, Danièle. „ Development of innovative concrete mixtures aggregates” Webinar SeRaMCo Secondary Raw Materials for Concrete Precast Products, 22 June 2020.
2019 Proske, T.; Rezvani, M.; Graubner, C.-A.: Pressure-Dependent Shear Behavior of Fresh Concrete – Development of a specific Testing Device, In: Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials (RheoCon2) and the 9th International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC9), 08.-11.. September 2019, Radebeul, S. 16.14.
2019 Hofmann, S.; Tran, N.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Shear capacity of BFRP reinforced concrete without shear reinforcement, In: Advances in Engineering Materials, Structures and Systems: Innovations, Mechanics and Applications, In: 7th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, Cape Town, South Africa, 02.-04.. September 2019, Taylor & Francis, London, S. 1531-1536, ISBN: 978-0-429-42650-6, DOI:
2019 El Ghadioui, R.; Tran, N.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Cracking behaviour of carbon textile reinforced concrete members, In: Advances in Engineering Materials, Structures and Systems: Innovations, Mechanics and Applications, In: 7th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, Cape Town, South Africa, 02.-04.. September 2019, Taylor & Francis, London, S. 1474-1479, ISBN: 978-0-429-42650-6, DOI:
2019 Proske, T.; Rezvani, M.; Graubner, C.-A.: Ökobetone aus Kalksteinmehl – Green concretes with limestone powder, In: Innovation in Beton, Kongressunterlagen 63. Betontage, 12. 2. 2019, Neu-Ulm, S. 12-13.
2019 Waldmann, Danièle; Erdenebat, Dolgion “Keynote lecture: Potential of the Deformation Area Difference (DAD)-Method for Condition Assessment of Bridge Structures” in Proceedings of SMAR 2019 – Fifth Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, 27-29 August (2019).
2019 Nguyen, Thanh Tung; Yvonnet, Julien; Waldmann, Danièle, He, Qi-Chang “Modelling of interfacial crack propagation in strongly heterogeneous materials by using phase field method” in International Conference GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry, 28-30 August (2019).
2019 Waldmann, Danièle; Erdenebat, Dolgion “Potential of the Deformation Area Difference (DAD)-Method for Condition Assessment of Bridge Structures” in Proceedings of SMAR 2019 – Fifth International Conference on Smart Monitoring Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures (2019, August 27).
2019 Nguyen, Thanh Tung; Yvonnet, Julien; Waldmann, Danièle. „Phase field modelling of crack initiation and propagation under complex loading” International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures CFRAC. June 2019.
2019 Nguyen, Thanh Tung; Yvonnet, Julien; Waldmann, Danièle; Qi-Chang, He. „Phase field modelling of interfacial crack propagation in quasi brittle heterogeneous materials” International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures CFRAC. June 2019.
2018 Steiner, S.; Lothenbach, B.; Borgschulte, A.; Proske, T.; Winnefeld, F.: Effect of relative humidity on the carbonation rate of portlandite, calcium silicate hydrates and ettringite, In: Proceedings of the 20. Internationale Baustofftagung (ibausil), 12.-14. September 2018, Weimar, S. 2-963-2-968. ISBN: 978-3-00-059950-7.
2018 Proske, T.; Steiner, S.; Graubner, C.-A.: Diffusion of CO2 and water vapor in clinker-reduced concretes, In: Proceedings of the 20. Internationale Baustofftagung (ibausil), 12.-14. September 2018, Weimar, S. 2-145-2-152. ISBN: 978-3-00-059950-7.
2018 Rezvani, M.; Proske, T.; Herget, C.; Graubner, C.-A.: Drying shrinkage behaviour of cement paste and concrete made with eco-friendly limestone-rich cements, In: Proceedings of the 20. Internationale Baustofftagung (ibausil), 12.-14. September 2018, Weimar, S. 561-568, ISBN: 978-3-00-059950-7.
2018 El Ghadioui, R.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Load-bearing capacity and deformation behaviour of carbon-textile reinforced concrete members, In: Proceedings of the 12th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, 29.-31. August 2018, Prag (Tschechien), S. 363-370, ISBN: 978-80-01-06401-6.
2018 Hofmann, S.; Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.: Load-bearing performance of concrete beams with basalt fibre reinforced polymer (BFRP) rebars, In: Proceedings of the 12th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, 29.-31. August 2018, Prag (Tschechien), S. 419-426, ISBN: 978-80-01-06401-6.
2018 Proske, T.; Rezvani, M.: Shear Behavior of Fresh Concrete under variable Pressure – Development of a specific Testing Device, In: Proceedings of International RILEM Workshop on Rheological Measurements of Cement-Based Materials (IRWRMC 2018), Vol. PRO 132, 2019, RILEM Publications S.A.R.L., Paris, S. 73-78, ISBN: 978-2-35158-230-5.
2018 Rezvani, M.; Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.: Klinker raus, Kalksteinmehl rein! Vorhersage des Schwindverhaltens von Beton aus kalksteinhaltigen Ökozementen, In: Vorfertigung – Zukunft des Bauens, Kongressunterlagen 62. BetonTage, 2018, Neu-Ulm, S. 20-22.
2018 Nguyen, Thanh Tung; Waldmann, Danièle. „Modelling of early-age complex crack propagation in cement-based materials using phase field method” 6th Conference on Computational Mechanics ECCM-ECFD. June 2018.
2018 Erdenebat Dolgion, Waldmann, Danièle, Teferle, Felix Norman. „Static load deflection experiment on a beam for damage detection using the Deformation Area Difference Method” Sixth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering IALCCE 2018, Ghent Belgium. 28-31 October 2018.
2017 Rezvani, M; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Drying shrinkage of hardened cement paste and concrete made of cements with high limestone contents, In: Beiträge zur 5. DAfStb-Jahrestagung mit 58. Forschungskolloquium, 2017, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, S. 78-88, ISBN: 978-3-00-057267-8.
2017 Freund, B; Proske, T.: Frischbetondruck fließfähiger und selbstverdichtender Betone auf geneigte Schalungen, In: Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Motzko, 2017, Institut für Baubetrieb, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt.
2017 Erdenebat, Dolgion, Waldmann, Danièle, Teferele, Norman. “Laboratory experiment for damage assessment using the DAD-method” Conference proceedings SMAR 2017. Empa. September 2017.
2017 Thapa, Vishojit Bahadur; Waldmann, Danièle; Wagner, Jean-Frank; Lecomte, André; Hansen, Joachim; Simon, Claude. “Mechanical characterisation of alkali activated clay – based geopolymer binder made out of gravel wash mud.” Poster. 5th International Slag Valorisation Symposium. April 2017.
2017 Thapa, Vishojit Bahadur; Waldmann, Danièle; Wagner, Jean-Frank; Lecomte, André; Hansen, Joachim; Simon, Claude “Mechanical characterisation of alkali activated clay – based geopolymer binder made out of gravel wash mud.” Proceedings of the 5th International Slag Valorisation Symposium. April 2017.
2016 Erdenebat, D., Waldmann, D., & Teferle, F. N. “Numerical investigation of bridges with the aim of condition assessment in applying the Deformation Area Difference method (DAD-method) and selecting appropriate measurement techniques”. 5th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2016), Delft. 2016.
2016 G. Chewe Ngapeya, Danièle Waldmann, Frank Scholzen, Andreas Zilian, André Lecomte, Abdel Khelil. « Prédiction de la résistance mécanique d’un bloc de maçonnerie par calcul numérique » (« Prediction of the mechanical resistance of masonry blocs by numerical analysis »). 17e édition des Journées scientifiques du regroupement francophone pour la recherche et la formation sur le béton (RF)2B. Marne la Vallée, France. June 2016.
2016 Erdenebat, D., & Waldmann, D. „Condition assessment and damage localisation for bridges by use of the Deformation Area Difference Method (DAD-Method)” H., Beushausen (Ed.), Performance-based approaches for concrete structures, Fédération internationale du béton (fib). Lausanne, Switzerland. 2016.
2016 Weiler, M., & Waldmann, D. “Concept to predict crack initiation and crack development in fairfaced concrete screeds.” H., Beushausen (Ed.), Performance-based approaches for concrete structures (pp. 275-276). Fédération internationale du beton (fib). Cape Town, South Africa. 2016.
2015 Yildirim, H.; Hainer, S.; Hofmann, K.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.; Albert, B.: Carbonation of hydrated clinker phases. In: Proceedings of the 19. Internationale Baustofftagung (ibausil), Weimar, 2015. Band 1, P1.08.
2015 Hainer, S.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Modell zur Vorhersage der Karbonatisierungstiefe von klinkerreduzierten Betonen. In: Proceedings of the 19. Internationale Baustofftagung (ibausil), Weimar, 2015. 1-1129-1138
2015 Rezvani, M.; Proske, T.; Baldermann, A.; Mittermayr, F.; Graubner, C.-A.: Durability of eco-friendly concretes in sulfate environments. In: Proceedings of the 19. Internationale Baustofftagung (ibausil), Weimar, 2015. 2-797-804
2015 Mittermayr, F.; Baldermann, A.; Rezvani, M.; Hainer, S.; Proske, T.: Performance of eco-concrete under sulfate attack. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement ICCC15, Peking, 2015.
2015 Rezvani, M.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Shrinkage of mortar samples made of limestone-rich cements. In: Proceedings of "Mechanics and physics of creep, shrinkage, and durability of concrete and concrete structures, CONCREEP-10, Wien, 2015.
2015 Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.; Hainer, S.: Moderne Betone aus klinkerreduzierten Zementen – Herstellung, Nachbehandlung, Umweltbilanz. In: Tagungsband, 59. Betontage Ulm, BFT-International, 02/2015, 11-13.
2015 S. Agaajani, D. Waldmann, F. Scholzen, A. Louge. „Numerical Analysis for the determination of stress percolation in dry-stacked wall systems” Masonry International. 2015.
2015 Waldmann, D., Erdenebat, D., Scherbaum, F., Maas, S., Zürbes, A. “Investigation of temperature-dependent stiffness variation of a layer of asphalt and their possible effect on the deformation behaviour of concrete structures” EVACES 6th International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures, MATEC Web of Conferences. Dübendorf. 19- 22 October 2015.
2015 Maas, S., Schommer, S., Nguyen, V.-H., Waldmann, D., Mahowald, J., Zürbes, A. “Some remarks on the influence of temperature-variations, non-linearities, repeatability and ageing on modal-analysis for structural health monitoring of real bridges” MATEC Web of Conferences. Vol. 24. No. Article No. 05006. EDP Sciences. 2015.
2015 Waldmann, Danièle. “Development of new lightweight concrete based on Miscanthus as aggregates” International Conference ‘Perennial biomass crops for a resource-constrained world’. Hohenheim University, Stuttgart. 7 – 10 September 2015.
2015 Merzkirch, Alexander; Maas, Stefan; Scholzen, Frank; Waldmann, Danièle. “Primary energy used in centralized and decentralized ventilation systems measured in field tests in residential buildings” Proceedings of the 26th AIVC Conference, Effective Ventilation in high performance buildings. September 2015.
2015 Weiler, Michael; Waldmann, Danièle. “Investigation of crack development in a fairfaced concrete floor in concrete- Innovation and Design” fib Symposium 2015. Copenhagen, Denmark. 2015.
2014 Freund, B.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Frischbetondruck bei frei geformten Schalungssystemen. In: Tagungsband zum 4. Jahrestreffen des DFG Schwerpunktprogramm 1542: Leicht bauen mit Beton, 29. Sept. bis 01. Okt. 2014, Dresden. 2014.
2014 Rezvani, M.; Proske, T.; Hainer, S.; Graubner, C.-A.: Rheology of eco-friendly self-compacting concretes with limestone-rich cements. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Eco-Crete, 13.-15. August 2014, Reykjavik, Island 2014
2014 Proske, T.; Rezvani, Moien.; Hainer, S.; Graubner, C.-A.: Limestone-rich cements for sustainable concrete structures — Mechanical properties. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Eco-Crete, 13.-15. August 2014, Reykjavik, Island 2014
2014 Hainer, S.; Rezvani, M.; Baldermann, A.; Proske, T.; Mittermayr, F.: Durability of Cement-Reduced Eco-Friendly Concretes Against Sulfate Attack. In: Proceedings of the XIII International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Component, Sao Paulo, 2014
2014 Mahowald, Jean, Stefan Maas, Nguyen, Viet Ha, Waldmann, Danièle, Zürbes, Arno. “Some conclusions from the measurements of temperatures and their gradients on eigenfrequencies of bridges” Eurodyn 2014. 2014.
2014 Merzkirch, Alexander; Maas, Stefan; Scholzen, Frank; Waldmann, Danièle “Volume flow unbalances and shortcuts in decentralized ventilation units –Field tests in residential buildings” 45th KGH HVAC&R conference. 2014.
2013 Graubner, C.-A.; Freund, B.; Proske, T.: Frischbetondruck und Sichtbetonqualität bei geneigten Schalungen – Teil 1. 23. Kassel-Darmstädter Baubetriebsseminar Schalungstechnik, Gesellschaft für baubetriebliche Weiterbildung – Arbeitskreis Schalung, 28. – 29. November 2013, Kassel, 2013
2013 Proske, T.; Rezvani, M.; Hainer, S.; Graubner, C.-A.: Highly workable eco-friendly concretes – Influence of constituents on the rheological properties. In: Proceedings of the 1st International RILEM Conference on Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials and the 7th RILEM Conference on Self-Compacting Concrete, Paris, France, 2013.
2013 Proske, T.; Hainer, S.; Rezvani, M.; Graubner, C.-A.: Approach for Eco-friendly Concretes with Reduced Water and Cement Content. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Concrete Sustainability (ICCS), Tokyo, Japan, 2013. S1-6-1, 288-293.
2013 Hainer, S.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Prediction Model for the Carbonation of Cement Reduced Eco-Concretes. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Concrete Sustainability (ICCS), Tokyo, Japan, 2013. S2-5-4, 618-622.
2013 Peter H. Billberg, Nicolas Roussel, Sofiane Amziane, Marc Beitzel, George Charitou, Björn Freund, John N. Gardner, Carl-Alexander Graubner, Lloyd Keller, Kamal H. Khayat, David A. Lange, Ahmed F. Omran, Arnaud Perrot, Tilo Proske, Robert Quattrociocchi, Yannick Vanhove: Field validation of models for predicting lateral form pressure exerted by SCC. Proceedings of the Fifth North American Conference on the Design and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete, Chicago, Illinois, USA, May 12–15, 2013.
2013 Rezvani, M.; Ramge, P.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Rheology of water reduced Eco-friendly concretes – Rheologie wasserreduzierter Ökobetone, In: 22. Workshop und Kolloquium Rheologische Messungen an Baustoffen, Regensburg, 2013.
2013 Proske, T.; Hainer, S.; Graubner, C.-A.: Klima- und ressourcenschonende Stahlbetonteile
durch innovative Betontechnologie, In: Tagungsband des 2. Darmstädter Ingenieurkongresses – Bau und Umwelt, TU Darmstadt, 2013, ISBN 978-3-8440-1747-2, S. 557-562.
2013 May, Andreas, Waldmann, Danièle. “Full scale tests with dense lightweight woodship concrete in composite slab constructions” FIB Symposium Tel Aviv, Israel. 2013. http ://
2012 Hainer, S.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Vorhersagemodell für die Carbonatisierung von zementreduzierten Ökobetonen, In: Proceedings of the 18. Internationale Baustofftagung (ibausil), Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 2012.
2012 Proske, T; Freund, B.; Graubner, C.-A.: Models for prediction of formwork pressure. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Self-Compacting Concrete – Stockholm – June 1st 2012, RILEM TC-FPC “Form pressure generated by fresh concrete”, Swedish Cement and Concrete Research Institute, Stockholm, 2012.
2012 Proske, T.; Hainer, S.; Graubner, C.-A.: Carbonation of Cement Reduced Eco-Concrete. In: Proceedings of the International Congress on Durability of Concrete (ICDC) 2012. Trondheim, Norway.
2012 Proske, T.; Hainer, S.; Graubner, C.-A.: Eco-friendly Concretes with Highly Reduced Cement Content. In: Procecedings of the 8th International Conference „Concrete in the Low Carbon Era“, Dundee, 2012. 135-149.
2012 Graubner, C.-A.; Grziwa, U.; Heimann, M., Proske, T.: Erforderliche Verankerungslänge bei Winkelhaken – Wirtschaftliche Verankerung der Betonstahlbewehrung in Betonfertigteilen, In: Proceedings, 56. BetonTage, BFT International, 78. Jahrgang, Ulm 2012.
2012 Mahowald, Jean, Stefan Maas, Danièle Waldmann, and Arno Zürbes. „Static and dynamic testing on prestressed concrete slab elements with artificial bond deficiencies” Proceedings of the 4th Bond in Concrete Conference, Vol. 1 : General Aspects of Bond, pp. 419-425, Brescia. 2012. http ://
2012 Mahowald, Jean, Stefan Maas, Danièle Waldmann, Arno Zürbes, and Frank Scherbaum. “Damage Identification and Localisation Using Changes in Modal Parameters for Civil Engineering Structures.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, 1103–1117. Leuven. 2012.
2012 Mahowald, Jean, Stefan Maas, Frank Scherbaum, Danièle Waldmann, and Arno Zürbes. “Dynamic damage identification using linear and nonlinear testing methods on a two-span prestressed concrete bridge.” In Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, IALCCE’12, 157–164. Vienna, Austria: CRC Press. 2012.
2012 Nguyen Viet Ha ; Rutten Christophe, Golinval Jean-Claude, Mahowald Jean, Maas Stefan, Waldmann Danièle. “Damage detection on the Champangshiehl bridge using blind source separation” 3rd International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2012), Vienna, Austria. October 2012.
2012 Agaajani, Sh., Waldmann, D. « Stabilité de systèmes de murs en blocs de béton emboîtables sans joints en mortier » (« Stability of wall systems of dry-stacked masonry blocks without mortar bed-joints ») 13e édition des Journées scientifiques du regroupement francophone pour la recherche et la formation sur le béton (RF)2B, pages 162-171, Lyon, France. July 2012.
2012 Frank Scherbaum, Jean Mahowald, Danièle Waldmann. “Evaluation of the bridge Champangshiel by using static assessment methods” 9th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), No. 026a, p. 323-329, KIT Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe. July 2012.
2012 F. Scherbaum, J. Mahowald, D. Waldmann, S. Maas, A. Zürbes. “Modern damage detection by using static assessment methods for efficient rehabilitation” .International Conference on Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting (ICCRRR), Cape Town, South Africa. September 2012.
2012 Andreas May, Danièle Waldmann. “Pilot tests with lightweight woodchip concrete in composite slab constructions” 9th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), No. 073a, p. 323-329, KIT Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe. July 2012.
2012 Andreas May, Danièle Waldmann. “Lightweight woodchip concrete in composite constructions”. fib Symposium 2012, Proceedings Concrete Structures for Sustainable Community KTH Royal Institut of Technology,: p.349-352, Stockholm. June 2012.
2012 Shahriar Agaajani, Danièle Waldmann. “Static Analysis of new wall system realized by modular concrete blocks” fib Symposium 2012, Proceedings Concrete Structures for Sustainable Community. p.177-180, Stockholm. June 2012.
2011 Freund, B.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Frischbetondruck bei geneigten Bauteilen – Sachstandsbericht. In: GfbW Schalung, 21. Kassel-Darmstädter Baubetriebsseminar Schalungstechnik, 24.-25. November 2011, Kassel 2011. ISSN: 1867-3783
2011 Bungard, V.; Scherbaum, F. Mahowald, J.; Waldmann, D.; Maas, S.; Zürbes, A. „Detection and localization of damage in civil engineering structures by using static and dynamic assessment methods“ SMAR 2011 – First Middle East Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, CD-Proceedings, Paper ID: 358, Dubai (United Arab Emirates). 2011.
2011 Mahowald, Jean; Bungard, Volker; Maas, Stefan; Waldmann, Danièle; Zürbes, Arno. „Schadensidentifikation an Stahl- und Spannbetonplatten anhand von linearen und nichtlinearen Schwingungsanalysen in Schwingungsüberwachung“ („Damage detection on reinforced and prestressed slabs using linear and non-linear vibration analysis in vibration monitoring“) Schwingungsüberwachung 2011 VDI Konferenz Leonberg. 2011.
2011 Agaajani, S. ; Waldmann, D. : « Nouveaux systèmes de murs isolants en béton » (« New concrete insulation wall systems ») (RF)2B 2011 – 12ème édition des Journées scientifiques du Regroupement francophone pour la recherche et la formation sur le béton, Editors : Professors Courard, L. ; Waldmann, D. ; Lecomte, A., Luxembourg. 2011.
2011 Daniele Waldmann, Jean Mahowald, Volker Bungard, Stefan Maas, Arno Zürbes. “Influence of environmental changes on modal characteristics” Federation for Structural Concrete (fib), Prague 2011.
2010 Andreas Thewes, Stefan Maas, Frank Scholzen, Danièle Waldmann, Arno Zürbes. “Dynamic simulations to develop a natural ventilation concept for an office building” Proceedings of 8th International Conference on System Simulation in Buildings, pp.121-139. 2010.
2010 Hanus, V., Zürbes, A., Maas, S., Waldmann, D. “Study of the vibrating stationary state of a sheet pile during a vibratory pile driving” Proceedings of ISMA 2010 – International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, including USD 2010, pp. 701-715. 2010.
2010 V. Hanus, A. Zürbes, S. Maas, D. Waldmann. “Acoustics During the vibratory pile driving of sheet Piles: Measurement Conditions and key Parameters of the Noise Generation” ACTA Acustica, Vol 96, 1-1, S. Hirzel Verlag EAA. 2010.
2010 Weisheit, S.; Waldmann, D.; Greger, M. „Untersuchungen zur Oberflächenqualität von Selbstverdichtendem Beton“ („Analysis of the surface quality of self-compacting concrete“) 51. Forschungskolloquium des DAfStb – Doktorandensymposium 2010, Kaiserslautern . 2010.
2010 Weisheit, S.; Waldmann, D.; Greger, M. „Influence of environmental conditions for the rheological properties of SCC“ SCC2010 – 6th International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete and 4th North American Conference on the Design and Use of SCC, CD-Proceedings, Paper ID: MS-096, Editor: Professeur D. SC. A. Kamal H. Khayat, Montreal (Canada). 2010.
2010 Michels, J; Waldmann, D. „Design model for sfrc flat slabs with openings in the column area“, 3rd Congress of the International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib), Publisher: Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI), Washington, D.C. (USA). 2010.
2010 Waldmann, D.; Weisheit, S. „Determination of the rheological characteristics of Self-Compacting Concrete at different temperatures“ 3rd Congress of the International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib), CD-Proceedings, Paper ID: 92 (Materials), Publisher: Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI), Washington, D.C. (USA). 2010.
2010 Bungard, V.; Waldmann, D. „Statische und dynamische Zustandsbewertung von Stahlbeton- und Spannbetonbauteilen“ („Static and dynamic condition assessment of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures“) 51. Forschungskolloquium des DAfStb, Kaiserslautern. 2010.
2010 Mahowald, J.; Bungard, V; Waldmann, D.; Maas, S.; Zuerbes, A.; De Roeck, G. “Comparison of linear and nonlinear static and dynamic behaviour of a prestressed and a non-prestressed concrete slab during their lifetimes” Proceedings of the International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA 2010, Leuven. 2010.
2010 Bungard, V.; Mahowald, J.; Waldmann, D.; Maas, S.; Zuerbes, A.; De Roeck, G. “Ambient Vibration and Forced Excitation Tests of a Composite Bridge: Environmental influences and nonlinear effects on the dynamic properties” Proceedings of the International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA 2010, Leuven. 2010.
2010 Thewes, Andreas; Maas, Stefan; Scholzen, Frank; Zürbes, Arno; Waldmann, Danièle. “Thermal comfort of a new university building in Luxembourg with passive cooling” Palenc 2010 – Passive and low energy cooling for the built environment, ISBN: 978-960-6746-08-6, pp. 220-233. 2010.
2009 Proske, T.: Carbonatisierung von Beton mit reduziertem Zementgehalt. In: Tagungsband 17. Internationale Baustofftagung (ibausil), Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 2009.
2009 Graubner, C.-A.; Motzko, C.; Proske, T.: Anforderungen an Schalungssysteme bei der Verwendung fließfähiger Betone. In: Tagungsband, 53. Ulmer Betontage, 02/2009.
2009 Bungard, V.; Waltering, M.; Waldmann, D.; Maas, S.; Zuerbes, A.; De Roeck, G. “Comparison of static behaviour and nonlinear vibration characteristic of gradually damaged prestressed concrete slabs and reinforced concrete beams” Proceedings of the International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures, EVACES 2009, Wroclaw. 2009.
2009 Weisheit, S.; Waldmann, D.; Greger, M. „Rheologie von SVB – Untersuchungen am Leim, Mörtel und Beton“ („Rheology of self-compacting concrete – Analysis of paste, mortar and concrete“) 17. Internationale Baustofftagung [IBAUSIL], ISBN: 978-3-00-027265-3, Tagungsbericht, Band 1, S. 1-1173 ff., Herausgeber: F.A. Finger-Institut für Baustoffkunde – Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. J. Stark, Weimar. 2009.
2009 Savvaidis D.; Waldmann D.: „Steel fiber reinforced concrete: Combining different fibers and amount of fiber reinforcement“ 4th Saar-Lor-Lux Colloquium in Mechanics, Nancy (France). 2009.
2009 N. Leufgens, D. Waldmann, S. Maas, A. Zürbes. „Thermische und Mechanische Eigenschaftswerte von haufwerksporigen Leichtbetonen (LAC) zur Optimierung von Wärmedämmsteinen“ („Thermal and mechanical properties of porous lightweight concrete for the optimisation of insulation masonry blocks“) Tagungsband, ibausil – Internationale Baustofftagung, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, ISBN: 978-3-00-027265-3, Band 2- S. 997-1002. September, 2009.
2009 D. Waldmann. “Investigation of constructions confronted with changing utilization by in situ loading tests” Concrete 21st Century Superhero, FIB Symposium London. 2009.
2009 D. Waldmann, N. Leufgens, S. Maas, A. Zürbes. “Market study of improved heat-insulating masonry bricks” Concrete 21st Century Superhero, FIB Symposium London. 2009.
2009 D. Waldmann, V. Bungard, M. Waltering, S. Maas, A. Zürbes, G. De Roeck. “Non-destructive damage assessment of constructions in civil engineering using non-linear vibration characteristics” Concrete 21st Century Superhero, FIB Symposium London. 2009.
2009 Thielen T, Maas S, Zürbes A, Waldmann D., Anagnostakos K, Kelm J. “The mechanical behaviour of a new designed hip spacer” World Congress 2009 in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Munich. 2009.
2009 Thielen T, Maas S, Zürbes A, Waldmann D., Kelm J. „Entwicklung einer Hüftinterimsprothese (Spacer) mittels FE-Analyse unter Berücksichtigung der Muskel- und Gelenkkräfte aus AnyBody“ („Development of a hip interim prosthesis (spacer) by FE analysis considering muscle and hinge forces of AnyBody“) ANSYS Conference and & 27. CADFEM User’s Meeting, Leipzig. 2009.
2009 Thielen, T., Maas, S., Zürbes, A., Waldmann, D., Anagnostakos, K., Kelm, J. “The mechanical behavior of a new designed hip spacer” IFMBE Proceedings, 25 (4), pp. 21-24. 2009. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-03882-2-6
2008 Motzko, C.; Proske, T.; Boska, E.: Neue Erkenntnisse zum Frischbetondruck von Hochleistungsbetonen mit fließfähiger Konsistenz. In: Tagungsband, 18. Kasseler-Darmstädter Baubetriebsseminar Schalungstechnik, Gesellschaft bR für baubetriebliche Weiterbildung – Arbeitskreis Schalung, Kassel 2008.
2008 Michels J., Waldmann D., Maas S., Zürbes A. “Bearing capacity of SFRC flat slabs with openings in the column area: experimental and numerical investigation” Proceedings of the 7th RILEM-Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Chennai, India, September 17-19. 2008.
2008 Michels J., Waldmann, D., Maas St., Zürbes A. “Bearing capacity of srfc-flat slabs, 7th international PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Stuttgart, September 10-13. 2008.
2008 Nicolas E., Waldmann, D., Lecomte A., Diliberto C., Greger M., Malaman B., Scharfe G., Kirpach C. “Cement-Superplasticizer Incompatibility: hydration products involved in rheological changes” 7th international PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Stuttgart, September 10-13. 2008.
2008 Michels J., Waldmann D., Maas S., Zürbes A. “Capacité portante de planchers-dalles en béton de fibres” (“Load bearing capacity of fibre reinforced concrete slabs”) Proceedings of the 26th meeting of the Association Universitaire du Génie Civil (AUGC), Nancy, France. June 4-6 2008.
2008 Nicolas, E., D. Waldmann. « Compatibilités et incompatibilités liants/superplastifiants » (« Compatibility and Incompatibility of binder/superplasticiser ») XXVIemes Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil 2008- Prix René Houpert. 2008.
2008 Bungard, V.; Waltering, M.; Waldmann, D.; Maas, S.; Zuerbes, A.; De Roeck, G. “Structural Health Monitoring of a Composite Bridge” Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference, IMAC-XXVI, Orlando. 2008.
2008 Waltering, M.; Bungard, V.; Zuerbes, A.; Maas, S.; Waldmann, D.; De Roeck, G. “Non-destructive Damage Assessment Using Non-linear Vibration” Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference, IMAC-XXVI, Orlando. 2008.
2008 Waltering, M.; Bungard, V.; Maas, S.; Zuerbes, A.; Waldmann, D.; De Roeck; G. “Damage assessment of a gradually damaged prestressed concrete bridge using static load tests and nonlinear vibration characteristic” Proceedings of the International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA 2008, Leuven. 2008.
2008 Nicolas E., Waldmann D., Lecomte A., Deliberto C., Greger M., Malaman B., Scharfe, G., Kirpach C. “Rheological and physico-chemical study of cement mortars with superplasticizers of polycarboxylate-type” International conference: Construction Heritage in Coastal and Marine Environments. Damage, Diagnostics, Maintenance and Rehabilitation MEDACHS 08. January 2008.
2007 Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.: Formwork Pressure of Concrete with High Workability. Proceedings Symposium – Advances. In: Construction Materials 2007, Stuttgart 2007.
2007 Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Pressure on Formwork using SCC – Experimental Studies and Modelling. In: Proceedings of the Fifth RILEM International Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, Ghent, 2007.
2007 E. Nicolas, D. Waldmann, A. Lecomte, C. Diliberto, M. Greger, B. Malaman, G. Scharfe, C. Kirpach. „Compatibilité et Incompatibilité Granulat/Liant/Superplastifiant » (« Compatibility and Incompatibility of aggregate/binder/superplasticiser ») Ecole doctorale EMMA (Energie, Mécanique, Matériaux). 2007.
2007 N. Leufgens, D. Waldmann, S. Maas, A. Zürbes. „Entwicklung von hybriden Mauersteinen mit verbesserten wärmedämmenden Eigenschaften“ („Development of hybrid masonry blocks with improved insulation properties“) Mauerwerksassistententreffen, Institut für Baustoffe, Leibniz Universität Hannover. Dezember 2007.
2007 N. Leufgens, D. Waldmann, S. Maas, A. Zürbes. „Development of Light Concrete Bricks with Improved Heat-Insulating Properties“ Proceedings of the third Scottish Conference for Postgraduate Researchers of the Built & Natural Environment – ProBE 2007, Glasgow Caledonian University, p. 277-289; ISBN-13 978-1-905866-17-5 und ISBN-10 1-905866-17-8 – Awarded paper-Runner-up prize for Best Paper. November 2007.
2007 Waltering, M.; Bungard, V.; Waldmann, D.; Zuerbes, A.; Maas, S.; De Roeck, G. “Damage Assessment of Civil Engineering Structures by the Observation of Non-linear Dynamic Behaviour” Proceedings of the International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures, EVACES 2007, Porto. 2007.
2007 Thielen, Maas, Zürbes, Waldmann. “Optimization of loads carrying capacity of antibiotic loaded hip interims-prothesis” Second Saar-Lor-Lux Colloquium in Mechanics, INPL, F-Nancy. March 2007.
2006 N. Leufgens, D. Waldmann. “-Sustainable Development- Hygro-Thermal Analysis of Light Concrete Hollow and Solid Bricks by the Finite Element Method and Experimental Validation” International Graduate School of Environmental Science and Technology, University of Trier, Department of Geography/ Geoscience. December 2006.
2005 Graubner,C.-A.; Proske, T.: Formwork Pressure – A new Concept for the Calculation. In: Proceedings of the Second North American Conference on the Design and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete and the Fourth RILEM, International Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, Volume 1, Chicago 2005, pp 605 – 614. ISBN 0-924659-645.
2005 Graubner,C.-A.; Proske, T.: Influence of the coarse aggregates on the concrete properties of SCC, In: Proceedings of the Second North American Conference on the Design and Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete and the Fourth RILEM, International Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, Volume 1, Chicago 2005, pp 159 – 166. ISBN 0-924659-64-5.
2004 Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.: Selbstverdichtender Beton – Ein innovativer Werkstoff für hochwertige Baukonstruktionen. In: Tagungsband, Braunschweiger Bauseminar 2004, Braunschweig 2004.
Jahr Autor, Titel
2022 Herget, C.; Müller, A. L.; Proske, T.: CO2-Reduktion im Betonbau, VDB Regionaltagung Wiesbaden, 29.03.2022
2022 Brinkmann, M.; Proske, T., Waldmann-Diederich, D.: Nachhaltig und zuverlässig bauen mit Lehm – Entwicklung eines semiprobabilistischen Sicherheitskonzepts für feuchtebeeinflusstes Lehmmauerwerk, 19. Projekttage der Bauforschung, 22.03.2022.
2021 Herget, C.: Wie geht eigentlich Öko-Beton. SWR-Aktuell Global, SWR Aktuell, 14.10.2021, 19:05 Uhr
2021 Herget, C.; Müller, A. L.; Proske, T.: CO2-Reduktion im Betonbau, Weiterbildung für Tragwerksplaner, Darmstadt, 29.09.2021.
2021 Herget, C.; Proske, T.: Shrinkage and swelling of hardened cement paste containing high amounts of limestone powder during water ad- and desorption, Biot-Bazant-Conference/ Concreep11+, Chicago, USA, 1.-3.6.2021
2021 Herget, C.; Proske, T.; Müller, A. L.: Shrinkage of eco-friendly concretes made with limestone rich cements, 11th ACI/RILEM International Conference on Cementitious Materials and Alternative Binders for Sustainable Concrete ICCM 2021, Toulouse, France, 7.-10.06.2021.
2021 Graubner, C.-A.; Brinkmann, M.: Mauerwerk – Effiziente Bemessung nach DIN EN 1996-1-1 und DIN EN 1996-3, 41. Darmstädter Massivbauseminar, Darmstadt, 03.09.2021.
2021 Bujotzek, L.; Hiesch, D.; El Ghadioui R.; Proske, T.: Material properties of fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement in compression – A review, fib Symposium 2021, Lisbon, 14.-16.06.2021
2021 Graubner, C.-A.; Brinkmann, M.; Förster, V.: Effiziente Bemessung von Leichtbetonmauerwerk nach neuesten normativen Regelungen, 65. BetonTage, Neu-Ulm, 23.02.2021.
2020 Herget, C.; Proske, T.; Kahmer, H.: Advances in concrete technology: Reduced CO2 release for precast concrete structures, Engineering Days China 2020, Beijing, 26.-27.11.2020
2020 Wiehle, P.; Brinkmann, M.: Tragfähigkeit von Lehmmauerwerk – eine experimentelle und numerische Analyse, In: Tagungsbeiträge der 8. Internationalen Fachtagung für Lehmbau, 30.10. – 01. 11. 2020, Dachverband Lehm e.V., Weimar, ISBN: 978-3-00-067245-3.
2020 Brinkmann, M.; Purkert, B.; Graubner, C.-A.: Bemessung von Fensterbrüstungen aus Mauerwerk bei teilaufliegender Decke, In: Bauplaner – Supplement im Deutschen Ingenieurblatt, Heft 9, 2020, Schiele & Schön GmbH, Berlin.
2020 Bujotzek, L.; Müller, D.; Graubner, C.-A.: Monte Carlo simulation of masonry walls in compression considering spatially variable material properties, Krakow, 05.07.2020.
2020 Graubner, C.-A.; Purkert, B.; Brinkmann, M.: Improvements in EN 1996-3 – Explanations and background information, 17th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, Krakow, 05.07.2020.
2020 Brinkmann, M.; Graubner, C.-A.: Load-bearing capacity of slender earth masonry walls under compression, 17th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, Krakow, 05.07.2020.
2020 Hofmann, S.; Graubner, C.-A.: Basaltfaserverstärkte Kunststoffbewehrung als alternatives Bewehrungsmaterial im Betonbau, 64. BetonTage, Neu-Ulm, 18.02.2020.
2019 Herget, C.; Rezvani, M.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Schwindarme Konstruktionsbetone mit hohem Anteil an Gesteinsmehl? Farbe und Lack Konferenz, Kassel, 27.11.2019.
2019 Müller, D.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Modifizierte Teilsicherheitsbeiwerte für Mauerwerkswände im Bestand, 13. Projektetage der Bauforschung, Bonn BBSR, 05.11.2019.
2019 Proske, T.; Rezvani, M.; Graubner, C.-A.: Pressure-Dependent Shear Behavior of Fresh Concrete – Development of a specific Testing Device, 2nd International Conference on Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials (RheoCon2) and the 9th International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC9), 09.09.2019.
2019 Rezvani, M.; Proske, T.; Herget, C.; Graubner, C.-A.: Baustoffe von Übermorgen – Ressourceneffiziente Ökobetone aus Kalksteinmehl, 63. BetonTage, Neu-Ulm, 19.02.2019.
2018 Rezvani, M.; Proske, T.; Herget, C.; Graubner, C.-A.: Ökobeton – Ein umweltfreundlicher und leistungsfähiger Baustoff? Farbe und Lack Konferenz, Kassel, 28.11.2018.
2018 Steiner, S.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Diffusionsverhalten von CO2 und Wasserdampf in klinkerreduzierten Betonen, 20. Internationale Baustofftagung (ibausil), Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Weimar, 13.09.2018.
2018 Rezvani, M.; Proske, T.; Herget C.; Graubner, C.-A.: Drying shrinkage behaviour of cement paste and concrete made with eco-friendly limestone-rich cements, 20. Internationale Baustofftagung (ibausil), Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Weimar, 13.09.2018.
2018 Hofmann, S.: Load-bearing performance of concrete beams with basalt fibre reinforced polymer (BFRP) rebars, 12th fib International PhD Symposium, Prag (Tschechien), 29.-31.08.2018.
2018 Rezvani, M.; Proske, T.; Herget C.; Graubner, C.-A.: Ökobeton – Ein umweltfreundlicher und leistungsfähiger Baustoff?, VDB Regionaltagung, Wiesbaden, 26.06.2018.
2018 Rezvani, M.; Graubner, C.-A..; Proske, T.: Klinker raus, Kalksteinmehl rein! Vorhersage des Schwindverhaltens von Beton aus kalksteinhaltigen Ökozementen, 62. BetonTage, Neu-Ulm, 21.02.2018.
2017 Proske, T.: Ökobeton, Live-Interview bei allewetter, hr Fernsehen, Hessischer Rundfunk, Frankfurt/M., 17.08.2017.
2016 Steiner, S.; Lothenbach, B.; Proske, T.; Winnefeld, F.: Investigation of carbonation profiles in clinker-reduced concretes, Poster at 2nd ICCCM 2016, Munich, 10.10.2016 – 12.10.2016.
2016 Steiner, S.; Müller, A.-L.; Proske, T.: CO2 and H2O diffusion of water- and clinker-reduced concretes, ICCS 2016, Madrid, 13.06.2016.
2015 Rezvani, M.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Shrinkage of hardened cement pastes and concretes made of limestone-rich cements, Mechanics and physics of creep, shrinkage, and durability of concrete and concrete structures, CONCREEP-10, Wien 22.09.2015.
2015 Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.; Hainer, S.; Rezvani, M.: Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich umweltfreundlicher Zemente und Betone. 5. Darmstädter Beton- und Schalungstag, 30.06.2015.
2015 Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.; Hainer, S.; Rezvani, M.: Moderne Betone aus klinkerreduzierten Zementen. Betontage 2015, Neu-Ulm, 24.02.2015
2014 Hainer, S.; Proske, T.: Einfluss der Umgebungsbedingungen auf die Druckfestigkeit und Karbonatisierungstiefe von Beton. VDB-Regionalgruppensitzung RG8, Bad Homburg, 02. Dezember 2014
2014 Rezvani, M.; Proske, T.; Hainer, S.; Graubner, C.-A.: Rheology of eco-friendly self-compacting concretes with limestone-rich cements, International Symposium on Eco-Crete 2014, Reykjavik 14.08.2014
2014 Proske, T.; Rezvani, M.; Hainer, S.; Graubner, C.-A.: Limestone-rich cements for sustainable concrete structures — Mechanical properties and life cycle assessment, International Symposium on Eco-Crete 2014, Reykjavik 14.08.2014
2014 Hainer, S.; Rezvani, M.; Baldermann, A.; Proske, T.; Mittermayr, F.: Durability of Cement-Reduced Eco-Friendly Concretes Against Sulfate Attack. XIII International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Component, Sao Paulo, 05.09.2014
2014 Hainer, S.; Proske, T.: Einfluss der Nachbehandlung auf die Karbonatisierung moderner Betone. VDB-Regionalgruppensitzung RG9, 07.07.2014, Göllheim
2014 Hainer, S.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.; Rezvani, M.: Die neuen Ökobetone: Umwelt- und performanceorientierte Betonentwicklung, Innovationen im Betonbau – Beiträge zur Herstellung und Untersuchung, Märkisches Forum 2014 – Baustoffpraxis Bauwerksdiagnostik, Henningsdorf 27.02.2014
2014 Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.; Rezvani, M.; Hainer, S.: Umwelt- und performanceorientierte Betonentwicklung, Vortragsreihe Geotechnik, Graz 16.01.2014
2014 Rezvani, M.; Proske, T.; Hainer, S. Graubner, C.-A.: Rheology of Eco-friendly Concretes with Very Limestone-rich Cements – Rheologie von Ökobetonen mit kalksteinreichen Zementen, 23. Workshop und Kolloquium Rheologische Messungen an Baustoffen, Regensburg 12.03.2014
2013 Freund, B., Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.: Frischbetondruck und Sichtbetonqualität bei geneigten Schalungen. 23. Kassel-Darmstädter Baubetriebsseminar Schalungstechnik, Gesellschaft für baubetriebliche Weiterbildung – Arbeitskreis Schalung, 28. – 29. November 2013, Kassel, 29.11.2013
2013 Freund, B.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Fresh concrete pressure on inclined formwork. 1st International RILEM Conference on Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials and the 7th RILEM Conference on Self-Compacting Concrete, Paris, 04.09.2013
2013 Rezvani, M.; Proske, T.; Hainer, S.; Graubner, C.-A.: Highly workable eco-friendly concretes – Influence of constituents on the rheological properties. 1st International RILEM Conference on Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials and the 7th RILEM Conference on Self-Compacting Concrete, Paris, 02.09.2013.
2013 Rezvani, M.; Ramge, P.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Rheology of water reduced Eco-friendly concretes –
Rheologie wasserreduzierter Ökobetone, 22. Workshop und Kolloquium Rheologische Messungen an Baustoffen, Regensburg 06.03.2013
2012 Hainer, S.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Carbonatisierung von zementreduzierten Ökobetonen, 18. Internationale Baustofftagung (ibausil), Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 13.09.2012
2012 Neufert, W.; Müller, C.; Palm, S.; Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.; Hainer, S.: Zemente mit hohen Kalksteingehalten, Jahrestagung Zement, Düsseldorf, 28.09.2012
2012 Hainer, S.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Carbonation of Cement Reduced Eco-Concrete, International Congress on Durability of Concrete, Trondheim, Norway, 18.06.2012
2012 Proske, T.; Freund, B.; Graubner, C.-A.: Models for prediction of formwork pressure. International RILEM-Seminar on Formwork Pressure, Stockholm, 01.06.2012
2012 Proske, T.; Hainer, S.; Graubner, C.-A.: Ökobetone zur Herstellung von Stahlbetonfertigteilen, Darmstädter Betonfertigteiltage 2012, Darmstadt 01.03.2012
2011 Hainer, S.; Proske, T.: Ökobetone zur Herstellung von Stahlbetonbauteilen – 15. Seminar Beschichtungen und Bauchemie – Reaktive und filmbildende organische Bindemittel: Der Klimawandel und der Einfluss auf die Rezepturen Teil II, Kassel 30.11.2011
2011 Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.; Hainer, S.: Ökobetone zur Herstellung von Stahlbetonfertigteilen, Darmstädter Betonfertigteiltage 2011, Darmstadt 24.03.2011
2011 Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.; Hainer, S.: Zementreduzierte Ökobetone für die Herstellung von Fertigteilen, 55. Betontage, Ulm 09.02.2011
2010 Ramge, P.; Proske, T.; Kühne, H.-C.: Segregation of Coarse Aggregates in Self Compacting Concrete, 6th RILEM Symposium on SCC, Montreal, Kanada, 27.09.2010
2010 Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Formwork Pressure of Highly Workable Concretes – Experiments Focused on Setting and Vibration and Design Approach, 6th RILEM Symposium on SCC, Montreal, Kanada, 28.09.2010
2009 Proske, T.: Neues zum Frischbetondruck bei Betonen mit fließfähiger Konsistenz, VDB-Tagung, RG Niedersachsen, Hannover, 12.05.2009
2009 Proske, T.: Neues zum Frischbetondruck bei Betonen mit fließfähiger Konsistenz, VDB RG Niedersachsen, Hannover 12.03.2009
2009 Graubner, C.-A.; Motzko, C.; Proske, T.: Anforderungen an Schalungssysteme bei Verwendung fließfähiger Hochleistungsbetone, 53. Betontage Ulm, 12.02.2009
2008 Motzko, C.; Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Neue Erkenntnisse zum Frischbetondruck von Hochleistungsbetonen mit fließfähiger Konsistenz, 18. Kassel-Darmstadter Baubetriebsseminar, Kassel, 22.10. 2008
2008 Proske, T. ; Schneider, C.: Green Concrete – Potenzial Ökobeton, Syspro, 27.11.2008
2007 Proske, T.: Frischbetondruck fließfähiger Betone – Hintergründe zur Novellierung der DIN 18218. 17. Kasseler Baubetriesseminar, Kassel, 27.09.2007
2007 Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Pressure on Formwork using SCC – Experimental Studies and Modelling, 5th RILEM Symposium on SCC, Ghent, Belgien, 05.09.2007
2005 Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Formwork Pressure – A new Concept for the Calculation, 4th RILEM Symposium on SCC, Chicago, USA, 31.10.2005
2005 Proske, T.; Graubner, C.-A.: Influence of the Coarse Aggregates on the Concrete Properties of SCC, 4th RILEM Symposium on SCC, Chicago, USA, 01.11.2005
2004 Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.: Innovationspotential von selbstverdichtendem Beton. Innovationstag „Zukunft am Bau“ – 20.10.2004, Magdeburg
2004 Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.: Selbstverdichtender Beton – Ein innovativer Werkstoff für hochwertige Baukonstruktionen. Braunschweiger Bauseminar 2004 – 12.11.2004, Braunschweig
2004 Graubner, C.-A.; Proske, T.: Selbstverdichtender Beton – ein zukunftsfähiger Werkstoff für innovative Bauwerke. 5. Deutscher Bauchemietag, 19.02.2004, Berlin