Development of a verification concept for earth masonry walls under shear loading

Project content

In this research project, a scientific investigation of the load-bearing behaviour of earth masonry walls under shear loads is carried out with the aim of developing a practical design concept based on Eurocode 6, which enables the widespread use of environmentally friendly earth masonry. Earthen masonry is currently mainly used for non-load-bearing walls and infills. Load-bearing earth masonry constructions still play a subordinate role due to application restrictions imposed by the greatly simplified Lehmbau Regeln valid in Germany until 2023. The new design standard DIN 18940 for load-bearing earth masonry for buildings of up to four storeys has been introduced. However, in neither of the two standards, there is a design concept for shear-loaded earth masonry walls under horizontal loads from e.g. wind and earthquakes. There is currently a lack of both, the necessary experience values and the scientific basis for assessing the bracing of multi-storey earth masonry buildings. This severely restricts building design and the widespread use of earth masonry, although this construction method could make a decisive contribution to reducing CO2 emissions and conserving resources in the construction sector. The following steps create the basis for the design of bracing walls made of earth masonry: Small wallet tests are used to determine the relevant material properties as a function of moisture, wall tests provide information on the failure modes and bearing loads, and the design concept is finally validated by developing a numerical model and conducting a parameter study. The Dachverband Lehm e.V. supports this research project as a representative of companies active in earth structures. In addition, the knowledge transfer between construction practice and research is established through the collaboration with the company Lehmwerk Kleinfahner.

Grantor This project is funded by the Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung on behalf of the Bundesministeriums für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bauwesen with funds from the Zukunft Bau research funding program.
Duration 15.10.2023 – 15.10.2026 (36 months)
Project partner TU Darmstadt, Institute for Solid Structures